• coffee,  Daily Life,  Diptych,  Kiki Mac Photography,  photography

    A year of Diptychs…so far

    This year I decided to step out of my comfort zone and do a weekly challenge on Instagram. I figured it would be good for my creativity. For the most part, I’ve shot during the week specifically to make a diptych, but sometimes I’ve pulled from my archives to put the two photos together. I’ve only missed one week of the challenge, and that was due to being at the TSA State Conference. So why a diptych? What the heck is a diptych? A diptych is a set of two photographs used to tell a story. Below are my entries for the year…so far. I’ve posted the first nine weeks…

  • Crafting,  Daily Life,  Knitting,  photography,  ravelry,  shawls,  socks,  Travel

    Happy New Year I’ve been knitting!

    Happy New Year! I know we say this every year, but I can’t believe that the last year flew by. I had lots of personal changes, all good in 2022, which is definitely an improvement from the previous three years. I’ve also picked up my knitting needles again, and knitted this lovely wrap for my mother-in-law. When she was here in May for my master’s graduation, I offered to knit her a wrap. Over the years, I have knit her several things, and the last wrap that I made her, became moth food. She was so upset! I had her pick out some yarn from my stash, and she chose…

  • Uncategorized

    A snowy, long Weekending Part 1

    As we were not able to make it to Atlanta to see my in-laws over Christmas, we drove up on Wednesday to take advantage of the long weekend. You might want to grab some tea, coffee, or beverage of your choice because this is going to be a long one. We packed a lot into a few days! I’m going to break this into two parts. We drove up on Wednesday night so that it would give us a full day on Thursday. On Thursday, we spent the day around my in-law’s house. We all had some work to do, and wanted to rest since we didn’t get in until…

  • Uncategorized


    Well, I actually had more planned to talk about, but I was stuck on a TEAMS call for my last semester of grad school (thank goodness) then got involved in sorting through my clothes and closet. I’ve lost about 50 pounds since July and lots of stuff needed to go. I had planned to drive to Winter Haven today to Four Purls, but put that off for another day. Hubby decided that since we missed Christmas with his parents, we would go up on Wednesday which resulted in me having to scramble to get time off and get some assignments turned in that are due next Sunday. I think I…

  • Daily Life,  Florida,  Kiki Mac Photography,  Knitting,  photography

    Happy New Year!

    I hope that your New Year celebrations were fun (if that’s what you are into) and that your 2022 is off to a great start. Today was my first day back at school, it was a Record Day for teachers and tomorrow is our in-service day. Kiddos return on Thursday, which will make this week a very weird one for all involved. I have to say that I am excited about this year. I have some really good things coming up. I graduate from grad school in May for starters! With my master’s in Career and Technical Education, I hope to move mostly out of the classroom, or at least…

  • Blogtober,  Daily Life,  dog,  dog photography,  photography,  Southeastern Guide Dogs,  Travel

    Weekending (Blogtober Days 6 &7)

    I was remiss in posting yesterday, but hopefully this will make up for it.  I shot Puppy Raiser Day at Southeastern Guide Dogs yesterday. Puppy Raiser day happens with a dog is matched with a handler and the people that raised the dog gets to come meet the new handler and see the pup that they raised.  Here Mendy (on the right) is looking down at Wrigley, a Golden Retriever, that she raised. To the left is Wrigley’s new handler. They became fast friends and I know they will continue to stay in contact.                         Today, I met up…

  • Daily Life,  Florida,  Kiki Mac Photography,  Travel

    An Artsy Afternoon in St. Pete

    Last week, my inlaws came into town from Atlanta and not wanting to sit around and stare at each other all day, we took a short, 25 minute trip over the Skyway into downtown St. Petersburg to the recently opened Chihuly Collection  on Central Avenue.   I have loved the work of Chihuly for years and it is such a joy to be able to see some of his pieces up close.  The original Chihuly Collection was located a little farther south on Beach Drive, but October saw a new, dedicated building open.  The space is open and airy, and the rooms where the sculptures are located are kept dim with…

  • Daily Life,  Kiki Mac Photography,  Ten on Tuesday

    Ten Things I Did Over The Weekend {Ten on Tuesday}

    Lately, my weekends seem to be as busy as my regular work week. One would think that once you have an empty nest, things seem to slow down. Mine actually went in reverse! After my daughter went to college, I started really working with my photography and have a part time business. This has kept my Saturdays busy for many weekends and this weekend was no exception.   So, without further ado, here are my Ten Things that I did this weekend. Friday Photosession with this sweet girl. Tucker is going in for training at Southeastern Guide Dogs next month and her raiser wanted a photo session. Met up with…

  • Louisiana,  New Orleans,  Road Trip

    Nola Day 2 Part 1.

    Day 2 in Nola was really our only full day in the city,so we made the most of it. I think we walked over five miles that day, but we had so much fun. (This is part 1 of 3) Of course, if you are in New Orleans, you absolutely cannot skip Cafe Du Monde. Period.  We started the day with beignets and coffee.  Mom ordered hers without the powdered sugar and Amy and I got ours with light sugar. Take a look at the second photo…that’s ‘light’ powered sugar. Mom and I tried their frozen coffee because it was already hot at 8am, but Amy stuck with traditional black…