
  • Blogtober,  Florida,  Knitting,  ravelry,  shawls,  yarn

    Clapotis 2024

    Blogtober Day 2 If you were in the knitting sphere back in the early 2000s-2004, to be exact—you probably knit a Clapotis by Kate Gilbert. This pattern went viral before virality was a thing. You couldn’t open a knitting blog without seeing one posted. Keep in mind that this was pre-Ravelry and was brought to us by the amazing Knitty magazine. I’ve knit two over the years and will cast on again this weekend. I am looking forward to it! More than likely, I will be using Miss Babs Yarn in Yowza, one of my favorite yarns for wraps. I have a skein in the stash, but I will probably order a new skein…

  • Crafting,  Daily Life,  Knitting,  ravelry,  shawls,  socks,  yarn


    I never watched the original Sex and the City. Several reasons, the main one being that when they were originally, on, I didn’t have HBO. Heck, we barely had cable. The second reason was that I was a twenty-six-year-old mom with a four-year-old, in the middle of Central Louisiana, far from the bright lights of New York City. Heck, I couldn’t relate to that life, or even really imagine what that life might be like. I had barely been out of Louisiana, and even at that point, had only been to San Diego. Don’t get me wrong, over the years I could have watched it as it was released on…

  • Blogtober,  Crafting,  Daily Life,  Florida,  Knitting,  photography,  ravelry,  socks,  Southeastern Guide Dogs,  yarn


    Last week was Homecoming Week at work,which was a sad state of affairs given all the measures that we have had to use this year in order to be able to even be in school. One thing that has remained constant are the War Drums that are played from 7:30 am until kickoff at 7:30 pm on Friday. With Covid-19 protocols in place, Homecoming Week was a sad state of affairs. With only a third of the students on campus due to e-learning, Hybrid pans and five day a week plans, there just wasn’t the same spark. No face painting, no pep rally, no dance, it was nearly disheartening. We…

  • Daily Life,  Florida,  Knitting,  NaBloPoMo,  yarn


    We finally had a beautiful day here on the west coast of Florida yesterday.  Amanda and I took advantage and went to the local Dia de los Muertos Festival in the Village of the Arts.  Their huge shrine this year was dedicated to the the 2000 tons of sea life that has died along our coast due to red tide this year.  We also took a little tour of the galleries and in one area got mother/daughter henna, picked up some local honey from Myakka Gold Apiary (ooh, and sampled and purchased some creamed honey…so good!). I have been itching to get to my ‘local’ yarn store, A Good Yarn,…

  • Blogtober,  Crafting,  Daily Life,  Knitting,  ravelry,  socks,  yarn

    People (and things) I miss. Blogtober Day 21

    Way back in 2004, this blog started out as a knitting blog and as a way to keep my family back in Louisiana and Georgia updated.  I started out on Blogger, then moved to Typepad, and then finally to a hosted website.  I’ve got versions of this blog saved on my server, but some content was lost in the migration from Typepad years ago.  Actually, I should see if my Typepad account is still active..or even if they still exist. Anyway, it was through  Hurricane Knitters (do they still exist?) on the internet that I met up with who would turn out to be my first  friends in Florida, Linda…

  • Daily Life,  Knitting,  NaBloPoMo,  socks,  yarn

    It’s a Monday

    Ever feel like something is off and you just can’t figure out what it is?  From the time I got dressed this morning, until around 7am, I just felt like something was off.  Couldn’t figure out what exactly, until I was in the teacher’s lounge, waiting to make copies while talking to Karla that I discovered it.The same shoe but in two different colors.  One navy, and one black. Now that I look at the photo, I remember why I wasn’t wearing the navy ones anymore.  They need to go in the trash.  I texted my husband, who promptly laughed at me and sent me this text: Babe, I love…