Ten Things I Did Over The Weekend {Ten on Tuesday}
Lately, my weekends seem to be as busy as my regular work week. One would think that once you have an empty nest, things seem to slow down. Mine actually went in reverse! After my daughter went to college, I started really working with my photography and have a part time business. This has kept my Saturdays busy for many weekends and this weekend was no exception. So, without further ado, here are my Ten Things that I did this weekend. Friday Photosession with this sweet girl. Tucker is going in for training at Southeastern Guide Dogs next month and her raiser wanted a photo session. Met up with…
Louisiana Road Trip Day 3.
We headed out of New Orleans on Friday, but before we left, I snapped this guy jamming out and DJing his own concert. He was having a great time! Headed out of the city, you can see the Super Dome peeping out from behind the building. After we left New Orleans, we headed toward Lafayette via Hwy 90. Going via Hwy 90 did two things. 1) We stayed south of I-10 and didn’t thereby avoiding Baton Rouge traffic and 2) it’s a prettier drive. Yep, a real, honest to goodness, paper map. Hwy 90 is in red. Approach to the Hale Boggs Memorial Bridge as we were leaving I-10 and…