Category: Teaching

  • Summertime

    This summer has flown by! I had four weeks off in June, but one of those weeks, I was in Louisville for the National TSA Conference, which was my first time at a conference without a chapter. It was very odd. I felt like I was missing something the entire time! I stayed at the…

  • Moooooooooo!


    As part of my new job with the school district, I get to see all aspects of our Career and Technical education departments. One of the things that I am looking forward to is learning about all of the Career and Technical Student Organizations that our county offers. I got started in CTE through my…

  • Blogmas Days 13-17

    Well I didn’t plan on taking a break, but it got real busy at school trying to finish up the semester (Two half-days left!) and dealing with some kid drama, but it turned out to be a great ending to our week. My TSA chapter had their holiday party where we had a surprise appearance…

  • Ooops


    Well that wasn’t planned. This week turned into the week where I had something every day in the evening. Tuesday, both JV and Varsity Boys Basketball had their first games against our cross county rivals, Palmetto High School. I teach two boys on the JV team and they kept dropping hints that they wanted me…