Tag: nablopomo

  • Weekending

    We finally had a beautiful day here on the west coast of Florida yesterday.  Amanda and I took advantage and went to the local Dia de los Muertos Festival in the Village of the Arts.  Their huge shrine this year was dedicated to the the 2000 tons of sea life that has died along our…

  • Eye Candy Friday

    Eye Candy Friday

    Taking a cue from Carole over at Carole Knits. (I’ve read her blog for YEARS), I present one of my favorite photos from my Washington DC trip, the Capital Wheel at the National Harbor    

  • Random thoughts on a Sunday (NaBloPoMo Day 6)

    1)Sometimes I have too much to do and then I freeze and procrastinate and then panic to get everything done. I think maybe it has something to do with working under a deadline for so many years. 2) I used to hold my tongue and not speak up when I thought people were being ridiculous. …

  • 10 Things About Me

    My lovely daughter, has a new blog over at Peonies and Paperclips and her post today was 10 Things about Me. I had done this years ago when I had my old blog, but haven’t updated it, so since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, here we go. I have lived in Florida for…