Daily Life,  Journaling,  NaBloPoMo

Random thoughts on a Sunday (NaBloPoMo Day 6)

1)Sometimes I have too much to do and then I freeze and procrastinate and then panic to get everything done. I think maybe it has something to do with working under a deadline for so many years.

2) I used to hold my tongue and not speak up when I thought people were being ridiculous.  I’ve gotten over that.

3) Most of the time, I like my dogs better than people.

4) I’d love to experience a real Fall and a real winter so I don’t feel like me knitting stuff is an exercise in futility.

5) I would love to take a month off, go to the mountains with books, knitting, my camera and my writing.  (alone, well, maybe I’ll take Bacchus…Amanda wouldn’t let me take Idunn)

6)  Maybe for #5, I’ll go to Scotland instead.

7) Bacchus would need a sweater.  I’d have to knit him one or five.

8) And booties.

9) I miss my family in Louisiana.  All the time.

10) I watch too much Bravo Tv.

11) I wish I was still writing as much as I used to.

12) I’m really not liking my job this year. I loved it last year, and this year I feel so out of my element that I hate going to work some days.

13) The only thing getting me through this year is working with my TSA kids.

14) I’ll be 45 on my next birthday, and for some reason, that is starting to bother me.

15) I drink too much tea.  (well, how much is too much, really?)

16) I’m in desperate need of a manicure.

17) Mariah Carey is annoying.

18) I really need to more organized. I think it would help my feeling of always barely treading water.

19) I need to learn to say NO

20) My favorite meal is my mom’s roast, rice and gravy, blackeye peas and cornbread.

This was all train of thought, and that is a tad scary. lol  Feel free to share 20 random things in your post.


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