Daily Life,  Kiki Mac Photography,  NaBloPoMo,  Southeastern Guide Dogs

10 Things About Me

My lovely daughter, has a new blog over at Peonies and Paperclips and her post today was 10 Things about Me. I had done this years ago when I had my old blog, but haven’t updated it, so since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, here we go.

  1. I have lived in Florida for 14 years, but I still consider myself a Louisiana girl. The name of my blog truly describes who I am.  I am a Misplaced Southern Belle. Florida is not the South. It might be geographically Southern, but mentally, it is not…at least south of Tampa, where I reside.
  2. I have had this blog in some form of another since 2004. It started off as a knitting blog and evolved. It was even mentioned in Southern Living at one time because of knitting.   (I don’t knit that much at the moment. It’s hard to knit when it’s 90 degrees…in November.)
  3. I am a high school teacher and I teach English Language Learner students…and I don’t speak a foreign language. I joke that my students will speak English with a Southern accent.
  4. I own Kiki Mac Photography and I shoot part time. A lot of my photography evolves around working with Southeastern Guide Dogs where I photograph Guide Dog U when the raisers turn over their dogs for training and I photograph Puppy Raiser Day which is when the dog has been matched and the raiser gets a chance to meet the new handler.
  5. Speaking of Southeastern Guide Dogs, my family and I are puppy raisers. We raise puppies for SEGD and then turn them over after a year or so to be trained as guide dogs. We are on puppy number five. Yes it’s hard, but seeing what they do for people who need them is worth it.
  6. I have been married for twenty-three years and have one daughter and four dogs.
  7. I miss Louisiana and my family every single. day.
  8. I drink unsweetened iced tea every day. I think it’s an addiction.
  9. I used to write for travel magazines and got to travel the state and write about it. I miss that!
  10. I’m 44 years old and am a Leap Day Baby…yep, I’ve had 11 birthdays.

Ok, so that is the quick and dirty 10 things about me.  Feel free to share 10 things about you and leave a link to your post in the comments.

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