Blogtober,  Daily Life,  Florida

Fantasy vs. Reality (blogtober day 2)

I love Fall.  I love the idea of Fall.  I love the crunchy leaves, I love the long sleeve shirts, I love the boots, and the scarves and the wood smoke, and the bonfires..and record scratch…..I live in Florida. Southwest Florida to be exact—where Mother Nature is having a hot flash and thinks we all need Summer to continue.

My idea of what Fall should look like.

What Florida looks like for the next week…well, the next two weeks.

There’s so much wrong with this picture.  Ninety! Ninety degrees in OCTOBER! This is ridiculous.  This is July and August weather.  We should be in the 80s by now.  Alas, this is what I get for living in the tropics, or this year, an extra bonus– red tide that prevents us from going near the beaches. So, what’s a Fall-loving gal to do?

She decorates the outside of her classroom.

Voila! Instant Fall. My students thought I was nuts, but my coworkers love it.

On a positive note, I am headed to Washington D.C. next weekend for a conference and maybe I’ll get a little bit of Fall weather.  I won’t have much time to sightsee, but I’m going to try and get to the National Archives and maybe the Mall.  For all of you who live in areas that don’t get much Fall weather, what do you do to make it feel like Fall?



  • sprite

    Ooh! Do you need restaurant recommendations? Tips about navigating Metro? Drop me a line if I can be of service… (And my weather forecast is showing you should get those fall temperatures here you’re hoping for, even if our leaves are still mostly green…)

    • Christy

      I think I might only have half a day to sight see 🙁 I’m staying at the Gaylord National but am planning on getting to the National Archives on Friday, if nothing else. I have never been to DC before so I’ll have to hit what I can in the few hours I have. I am going to be there in June with our National Conference and maybe have a little more time then. I think I’m going to try and catch the metro from the hotel to as close as I can get to the Archives. Suggestions?

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