Tag: daily life

  • Before and After

    Before and After

    Before and After, a creative block.

  • Flu Season

    Now more than ever it is important to get your annual flu shot. CVS (and other places) offer free flu shots and often gives you a shopping reward. Publix gives you a $10 gift card with your flu shot. I was in and out in less than 20 minute. I was picking up a prescription…

  • Rainy Saturday.

    It was a rainy Saturday here in Florida, the results of a tropical depression on the other side of the Gulf. With all the craziness going on I think we have forgotten that we are still in the middle of hurricane season. Idunn kept me company while I worked on an assignment that I have…

  • Seminole Sunrise

    I love taking sunrise photos over our stadium. Most of the time they are pink and orange but this has been a favorite recently. I took this the morning after an overnight rainstorm.

  • Quarantine Day 44

    On March 13, I left school for Spring Break. While I fully expected to not return to school for a week afterwards, I never expected to finish the school year online. It’s been…..challenging, but that’s a post for another day. I go to the grocery store once a week, and Amanda and I will go…

  • Ooops


    Well that wasn’t planned. This week turned into the week where I had something every day in the evening. Tuesday, both JV and Varsity Boys Basketball had their first games against our cross county rivals, Palmetto High School. I teach two boys on the JV team and they kept dropping hints that they wanted me…

  • Weekending

    We finally had a beautiful day here on the west coast of Florida yesterday.  Amanda and I took advantage and went to the local Dia de los Muertos Festival in the Village of the Arts.  Their huge shrine this year was dedicated to the the 2000 tons of sea life that has died along our…

  • If you want your hubby to cook dinner, buy him a flame thrower. (Blogtober Day 8)

    If you want your hubby to cook dinner, buy him a flame thrower. (Blogtober Day 8)

    It has been a running joke in my house that when my husband doesn’t know what to get me for Christmas, he defaults to a kitchen gadget…usually one that he wants me to use to cook him something specific.  Case in point, the Anova Sous Vide machine. (This is not sponsored, btw, however, if they want…

  • Random thoughts on a Sunday (NaBloPoMo Day 6)

    1)Sometimes I have too much to do and then I freeze and procrastinate and then panic to get everything done. I think maybe it has something to do with working under a deadline for so many years. 2) I used to hold my tongue and not speak up when I thought people were being ridiculous. …

  • Raise a Puppy, Change a Life

    In nearly two years of photographing Puppy Raiser Day, this is probably the one photo that truly defined for me why we raise puppies. If you raise puppies as well and you will like to make your life easier you should get a pet auto feeder that will provide the food to your puppies when…